Thursday, February 7, 2008

Coolio and Kool-Aid Pickles

I spent a little time on My Damn Channel. The thing that pulled me in was a trailer for Coolio's cooking show - which strikes me as a great thing. BUT, it's not available yet.

The oddball mixed genre thing that really got me laughing was this show called "You Suck at Photoshop." It's actually decent tutorial of photoshop, but it's also really funny.

Worth a smoke-n-giggle. I'll also have to remember to check back next week when Coolio's cooking show is up and running. The Ghetto Gourmet. Mmmm... Maybe he'll do Kool-Aid Pickles. Did you know that's a thing? Anyone tried one?

Shit, I'll try anything once. If ever there was a snack conceived of while stoned, this is it. In the Times article, they're endorsed by a kid as “I like it the same as dipping hot Cheetos in ice cream.”


AurorasBored said...

Saw one of these at a bodega while I was picking up dryer sheets. I stared a long time, thinking in fact of that very Times article, then said "Fuck, I'm just too white for this." My southern heritage weeps.

Oh and I bet you've seen this, but:

stoners.manual said...

Great find! I hadn't seen it. I can appreciate the hell out of expensive sammiches...